Access all your enterprise data in Eloqua..without importing it!

External Data Intelligence enables organizations to use all their enterprise data directly inside Eloqua.. without the need to import it!

Adaptive campaigns fueled by data that can be anywhere!

EDI helps you create hyper-personalized customer journeys easily and at scale.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

What EDI can do

Define Finer Segments

Run Agile Campaigns

Data Sans Frontières

No More Syncs

Create your segments based on external data like Salesforce and Snowflake and not just Eloqua.

Campaigns that decide their journey based on the limitless data you have outside Eloqua.

Data in CDOs go stale. With EDI, you can now use real-time data from your Salesforce and Snowflake instances.

With EDI, you don’t need to bring non-contact data into Eloqua to build segments or decide campaign journeys.

Use our free Workbench app to see if your Eloqua needs a scrub.

Define Precise Segments

If you are afraid of getting rotten apples, don't go to the Eloqua barrel. Get it off the Salesforce tree! EDI helps create segments that are always current with Salesforce data with nothing copied to CDOs. You can now use the real-time data to take decisions anytime through the campaign! Goodbye, data scrubbing!

Data Sanś Frontiers

EDI supercharges your queries by giving you ALL of the Salesforce data in real-time. You can now create complex conditions to narrow down the contacts that will form your segment. Your emails can now be designed to match the exact contact in the most relevant context. With fewer, more relevant contacts you will enjoy a higher ROI.

Run Adaptive Campaigns

Most cat-people don't turn into dog-people, but some do. Salesforce has the latest about them and EDI allows you to keep in touch with the latest. Helping your customers buy dog-food is easier when you know that they have turned to the dog side. Go team Dog !

No More Synchronisations 

The problem with manual synchronisations of CDOs is that it is manual. We don't need to do that anymore. With EDI, Eloqua is reading data straight from Salesforce or Snowflake in real-time. Say goodbye to integration maintenance, data purging, data dedupe and all the overhead the sync comes with!