Is your Eloqua integration bulking up your instance?

It’s been a couple of years since Eloqua has switched from native Salesforce integration to the new Salesforce integration app that’s built on Eloqua’s bulk API. Since this switch, integration partners have also moved to using Oracle Eloqua Bulk API as this was created for high volume data transfer. This API requires an import or …

Best Practices for Naming Conventions 

There are many advantages to following a universal naming convention across assets in your organization. We wrote a blogpost about it; you can read it here.  If you are convinced that it is a good idea, then the next step is to arrive at the business rules. This post will help you create some of …

Why Eloqua teams need Asset Naming Assistant

ANA (Asset Naming Assistant) is a tool that helps organizations follow naming conventions across all marketing assets. At Portqii, we make this for both Eloqua and Marketo. What’s in a Name ? A need for following an agreed upon nomenclature while naming files, folders and any other assets is an old one. When organizations grow …

Estimate Eloqua Migration Efforts with our Easy Calculator

You have a new Eloqua instance and many of the assets you need are in your other instance. Or, perhaps you have a few assets in your Americas instance that you also need in your EMEA instance. How do you copy these assets across instances. The difficult way, is to download each image and copy …

Making do with a cluttered, slow Eloqua ?

The number one reason, our clients tell us, that they don’t want to clean up their Eloqua instance, is because it’s very cumbersome! Cleaning up Eloqua can be quite a task. Each asset that needs to be deleted comes with its dependent assets. To delete an asset, we need to first decouple all the dependent …

One Click Transport of Eloqua Assets across Instances

You have a new Eloqua instance and many of the assets you need are ready in your other asset. Or, perhaps you have a few assets in your APAC instance that you also need in your Americas instance. How do you copy these assets across instances. The difficult way, is to download each image and …

Tag your assets for a Google-like, easy-to-search Eloqua

When using Eloqua, have you wished to see all the assets, irrespective of the asset type, to be seen in one single window? Perhaps you want to see all the assets related to a campaign? or maybe all assets that were created by you, or another users? Eloqua doesn’t allow that. We instead open multiple …

Help your Eloqua teams easily follow naming conventions

We all would love to see well chosen names for Eloqua or Marketo assets. Names that indicate what the asset is without having to double-click on it. Coming up with such names are hard, and if left to each of us, then each of us will create our own naming convention. Publishing a naming convention …