
Data Access Policy For Asset Naming Assistant

This document explains what data gets read or written to in a client’s instance #

The Asset Naming Assistant app doesn’t touch the PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data from your instance – at all.

Since this app needs to change the name of an asset, which is metadata by nature, it needs permissions to read and write the metadata of assets.

So, what does it read and write? #

Each asset is of a different nature. For example, an email contains both content & meta-data, but a campaign contains no content but configurations of the flow of the campaign. So, the following table helps us know the specifics.

Data accessed by Asset Naming Assistant: #

Asset TypeEloqua Instance AccessIncludedExcluded
CampaignRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetContacts/Campaign Members/Campaign Responses or any other metadata
SegmentsRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetSegmented Contact Data or any other metadata
EmailRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetEmail Activity or any other metadata
Landing PageRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetAny other metadata
FormsRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetForm Submitted Data or any other metadata
ProgramRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetContacts flowing through the program or any other metadata
Shared FilterRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetSegmented Contact Data or any other metadata
Custom Data ObjectRead/Create/UpdateOnly to the CDO which is configured on the AdminOther Custom Object Records or any other metadata
Shared ListRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetContacts inside the data or any other metadata
Dynamic ContentRead/Create/UpdateName of the AssetOther metadata
Campaign Fields DataRead/Create/UpdateAdmin configured fields to get updated at the time of the asset creationN/A