
Appendix – Transporter Sync

List of Supported and Unsupported Assets #

The following lists the supported & unsupported child assets for a specific asset. Please note that for Unsupported assets, user action is required in the target.

Assets to MigrateSupported Child AssetsUnsupported Child Assets
Segments Shared FilterFilter Criteria for:
* Contact/Account Fields
* Custom Objects
* Email Activities
* Email Status
* Form Activities
* Campaign Activities
* Landing Page Activities
* Landing Page
* Groups
* Globally Subscribed/Unsubscribed
* Bounceback
* Websites
* External Assets/Activities*
* Visited/Not Visited Page Tags*
* In Opportunity Stage/Stage Type* 

Shared List*
Shared Filter
Individual Contacts
Upload Contacts  
Filter Criteria for
* Compare Lead Score
* Visitor Profile Fields
* Visited/Not Visited Microsites
* Has linked Record in Event
* Visited/Not Visited Page Tag Groups  
Contact Fields

Custom Fields

Field Groups

Progressive Profile
* List
* Staged

Processing Steps
* Update Contacts – With Form Data
* Update Contacts – With Custom Values
** Manual mapping
* Change Contact’s Email Address
* Update Account – With Form Data
* Update Account – With Custom Values
* Update Custom Data Object – With Form Data
* Update Custom Data Object – With Custom Values
* Send Submitter an Email
* Send Notification Email Re-Direct to Web Page
* Subscribe Contacts Globally
* Unsubscribe Contacts Globally
* Add to Campaign
* Add to Shared Contact List
* Remove from Shared Contact List
* Post Data to Server
* Email Group – Subscribe/Unsubscribe
* Add to Program
* Run Integration Rules*

Processing Steps Execution
* This Processing Step Executes
**This Processing Step Executes – Conditionally
Apply Shared Update Rule (Form Update Rule)*

Add to Program Builder*

Cancel Event Registration*

Update Event Registration*
Landing Page – Design


* Webpage
* Landing Page
* File in File Storage
* New email message
* System Action


Shared Content

Dynamic Content

Field Merge
* Contact
* Account
* Event*
Cloud Content
Landing Page – HTML


* Webpage
* Landing Page
* System Action
* File in File Storage
* New email message


Shared Content

Dynamic Content

Field Merge
* Contact
* Account
* Event*
Cloud Content
Email – DesignImage


Field Merge
* Contact
* Account
* Event*

* Webpage
* Landing Page
* System action
* File in File Storage
* New email message

Signature Layout

Shared Content

Dynamic Content

Email Header

Email Footer

Email Group
Field Merge
* Query String Cloud

Email – HTMLImage


Field Merge
* Contact
* Account
* Event*

* Webpage
* Landing Page
* System action
* File in File Storage
* New email message

Signature Layout

Shared Content

Dynamic Content

Email Header

Email Footer

Email Group
Field Merge
* Query String

Cloud Content
Multi Step CampaignCampaign Steps

* Segments

* Email
* Form
* Landing Page

* Compare Contact Fields
* Compare Custom Object Fields
* Clicked Email?
* Opened Email?
* Sent Email?
* Shared List Member?
* Shared Filter Member?
* Submitted Form?
* Visited website?
* Compare Date

* Add to Campaign
* Move to Campaign
* Add to Shared List
* Move to Shared List
* Remove from Shared List
* Wait
* Add to Program
* Move to Program
* Add to/Move to Program Builder*

Email Configure
* Signature Rules
* Sending Options
* Scheduling
* Routing

Campaign Fields

Campaign Settings* 

Update Rules

AppCloud Apps

Add/Move to Program Builder
Simple Email CampaignSimple
* Segment
* Email  

A/B Test
* Segment
* Email
* A/B Test

Email delivery*
* Send Right Now
* Schedule for a later time

Advanced Sending Options*
* Use a Signature (Signature Rules)
* Include List-Unsubscribe header
* Break send into smaller batches
* Only send during certain days and hours
* Allow email to be re-sent to past recipients

Campaign Settings* 


Contact Data Program

Custom Data Program

Program Steps
Date Sources

* Compare Contact Fields
* Compare Custom Object Fields
* Shared List Member?
* Shared Filter Member?
* Subscribed to Group?
* Has Linked Contact?
* Compare Date

* Add to Campaign
* Move to Campaign
* Add to Program Builder (If program Builder exists in target instance)*
* Move to Program Builder (If program Builder exists in target instance)* 
* Add to Shared List
* Move to Shared List
* Remove from Shared List
* Wait
* Subscribe Contact
* Unsubscribe Contact
* Move to Program
* Add to Program
* Add Linked Record to Program 
Listener Sources
FolderCampaign Folder
Segment Folder
Shared Filter Folder
Shared List Folder
Landing Page Folder
Form Folder
Email Folder
Email Header Folder
Email Footer Folder
Images Folder
File Storage Folder
Hyperlinks Folder
Field Merge Folder
Shared Content Folder
Dynamic Content Folder
CDO Folder
Fields View Pick listFields
* Contact
* Account
* Custom Data Object

* Contact
* Account

Events Program Builder Lead Scoring Events

Program Builder

Lead Scoring
Website Setup Microsites  Tracking

Redirect Links

Visitor Profiles

Page Tagging

Query Strings

Web Data Lookup
Email Setup Email Batch Control

Email Defaults

Master Exclude
Account Groups

Account Linkages
 Account Groups

Account Linkages

All the steps that is marked with “*“ will have a status of ‘Action Required’ upon deployment.  This means that the users have to complete the recommended actions in the target instance. 

NOTE: This will only happen if the asset that the component is pointing to is not in the target instance..

Data Access Policy for the Transporter Sync App #

This document explains what data gets read or written to in a client’s instance

The Transporter Sync app doesn’t touch the PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data from your instance – at all.

The app needs to move an asset and associated assets across instances, it needs to read the data related to that asset. Under the hood, this app is moving the metadata across instances. The app reads the metadata from the source instance, and hence needs only read access – and since the app writes to the destination instance, it needs read and write access in the destination instance.

So, what does it read and write? #

Each asset is of a different nature. For example, an email contains both content & meta-data, but a campaign contains no content but configurations of the flow of the campaign. So, the following table helps us know the specifics.

Asset Transporter Sync #

Asset TypeSource Instance AccessTarget Instance AccessIncluded ComponentsExcluded
CampaignRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateWorkflow StepsContacts/Campaign Members/Campaign Responses
SegmentsRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateFilter CriteriaSegmented Contact Data
EmailRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateHTML/Images/Field Merges definitions etcEmail Activity, Field Merge values
Landing PageRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateHTML/ImagesN/A
FormsRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateForm Fields/ Processing StepsForm Submitted Data
ProgramRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateWorkflow StepsContacts flowing through the program
Shared FilterRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateFilter CriteriaSegmented Contact Data
Custom Data ObjectRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateCustom Data Object Metadata and fields metadataCustom Object Records
MicrositesRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateMicrosite Name and metadataN/A
Contact FieldsRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateData Type/MetadataContact Data that the field holds
Contact View/Account ViewRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateContact/Account Field references in the viewContact Data/Account Data
PicklistRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdatePick List ValuesN/A
Email SetupRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateAdmin Configured ValuesN/A
Signature LayoutRead-OnlyRead/Create/UpdateAdmin Configured ValuesN/A

Known Issues Transporter Sync #

Here are some of the known issues with Transporter Sync, and how to resolve them:

Refresh Token Expired #

The Error / Warning #

Here is a sample of the error that we may see when the Refresh Token Expires.

It could ask us to: contact your administrator to reinstall the application. And if you know how to reinstall, you don’t need the rest of this doc – that’s exactly what we need to do to fix this issue.

The Why: Why we see this warning: #

Portqii’s Transporter Sync app communicates to Eloqua using the industry standard OAuth 2.0.

This process includes managing two types of tokens:

  1. Access token, and
  2. Refresh token.

Access tokens expire in 8 hours and Refresh token expire in 365 days.

Upon expiration, a new access token can be generated by using a refresh token.

Generating a new access token generates a new refresh token which is to be stored in the application. The two tokens are cyclic and interdependent.

If the refresh token is corrupt (for reasons unknown), then we see this warning/error message.

Reference: Here is a detailed doc from Oracle about OAuth.

The Solution: What can we do about this? #

The most bankable solution for this error is to: Reinstall the Application.

The Who:Who should reinstall this application? #

Only the Eloqua admin who has access to adding and removing applications can carry out the steps of re-installation.

The How: How should we reinstall the application? #

Here are the steps to reinstall Transporter Sync:

Step 1: Click on the Gear Icon (Settings)

Step 2: Click on the Apps link in the Platform Extensions section.

Step 3: Search for the App by using the Search Box:

Step 4 : Click the app that needs to be re-installed – and then click on the Down Arrow (Re-Install)