
FAQ’s Transporter Sync

What will happen if there were App Cloud app steps included in the asset and what user can do to fill the gap? #

Eloqua App Cloud apps are not supported by Transporter Sync. Hence whenever there is a step which calls App Cloud apps inside Campaigns, Programs that step will be blank in the target just displaying the step name. User has to login to the Target instance and edit/re-add that step to complete the asset.

Note*: Cloud Content inside Landing page, email, shared content is not supported by Transporter Sync. User has to login to the Target instance and manually add/edit the Asset.

What happens if I re-sync? #

When the user re-syncs the asset then there are two ways in which user will get notified.
  a. Since last sync, if the asset in Source has not modified then on click of Sync, user will See a message saying the ‘Asset is already synced.’
  b. Since last sync, if the asset in source is modified then on click of Sync will start the sync process and update the Target asset with the Source version of asset.

Note*: Any modification done on the Target asset will be overwritten by the Source version of the asset after the re-sync.Re-sync will update only the Parent asset and Child assets will not be updated and will be created if they do not exist in the Target. Hence user must sync the child assets individually in case of any updates needed to Target asset.

How folder structure works in Transporter Sync? #

If Sync finds matching Folder name in Target instance, then it will create the asset in that folder, sync will be completed. But if a matching folder is not found in Target Instance, then Transporter Sync will create a new folder with the source folder name and create asset inside that folder. Source folder structure will be maintained throughout the sync execution process. As an example, if the asset is in a folder which is 4 levels away from the Root and the same folder structure is not found in Target instance then it will create all parent folders of the asset with the same source folder names. If two levels of folder structure from Root is present in target, then the other two next level folders where the asset resides is created. The same is applied to all the assets (parent and all child assets) which are synced from Transporter Sync.