
End User Process

The purpose of this user guide is to provide end-users with a reference on how to use the Oracle Eloqua Asset Dependency Manager application.

The  Asset Dependency Manager application allows marketers to manage and clear dependencies  of Oracle Eloqua assets like Contact Field,  Account Field, Campaign, Landing Page, Form, Email, Segments, etc. The application provides the following capabilities:

  • Create a package
    • The selection of the Oracle Eloqua asset whose dependencies are to be managed is grouped into packages. Once the asset(s) are added to a package what action to take on their dependencies needs to be defined.
  • Manage Dependency
    • This function lists the underlying dependencies for assets included in a package. Users will need to define the actions (Replace/Remove) to perform for each of the dependencies.
  • Clear Dependency
    • This process is the initiation of clearing dependencies based on the actions selected by the user. The process will either ‘Remove’ the selected asset from its dependent asset or ‘Replace’ the selected asset with another asset in the Dependent asset as determined by the user.

NOTE: The Appendix section below details the assets and their corresponding dependent assets that are supported for dependency elimination by the Asset Dependency Manager application.

Launching the Asset Dependency Manager #

To launch the Asset Dependency Manager app:

After having logged into an Oracle Eloqua instance click on the cloud icon and select “Asset Dependency Manager” by portQii.

The following page will load in another browser tab.

The following actions can be taken by the user from the home page of Asset Dependency Manager application

  • Create a new package
  • Open an existing package
  • View the status of a package
  • Delete a deployment package

Asset Dependency Manager Package #

The following describes the different sections of the package page.

  1. Navigation panel
  • Allows user to go back to the Home page
  • Status of the package.  Review the Appendix for all the different statuses possible
  1. Package description panel
  • Package Name: Defines the name of the package
  • Package Description: Provides descriptive details on the package.
  • Update button: Allows users to save package details to the database.
  1. Package Asset Details

Assets Included in Package: Lists out all the assets that is part of the package whose dependencies will be managed.

  • Asset Id: Oracle Eloqua ID value for the asset
  • Asset Type: Oracle Eloqua asset type of the asset
  • Asset Name: Oracle Eloqua asset name of the asset
  • Created On: Oracle Eloqua asset created date
  • Last Modified At: Oracle Eloqua asset last modified date
  • Status: Status of the specific asset as a result of managing and clearing dependencies


  • Delete action: Delete the respective asset from the package
  • Manage Dependency action:
    • Provides capability to view the list of dependent assets for a specific asset
    • Provides capability to take actions to manage dependencies
  • Save button: Once the assets have been added to the package, user must click on the Save button to enable the next set of actions like – Manage Dependency or Clear Dependency
  • Clear Dependency button: Allows users to initiate the process of clearing dependencies

Override Default Actions at Package Level #

Default Actions #

User can change the default actions settings which are predefined in the Admin Page at the package level. Any changes done to default actions at the package level will not reflect in the Admin Page.

Steps to Override Default Actions at the package level as follows:

Click on Override Admin Default Actions to change the admin settings

Click on yes to override the actions

Choose Click here to Override Default Actions button

On click of the button there comes a popup window which contains

  1. Show Assets from Package.
  2. Apply Bulk Asset Action

Show Assets from Package: On toggle of this button, displays the asset combinations only which are added into the package

Apply Bulk Asset Action: This option provides user to set all Asset Action to none or to admin actions at once.

  1. Clear all asset actions: Which sets all Asset Action to none.
  2. Re-apply default admin actions: Re-set all Asset actions back to Default Admin Actions set in the Admin Page.

Note: Apply Bulk Asset Action will be applied not only on the assets added to the package, but on all the asset combinations

Clear all asset actions:

Re-apply default admin actions:

User can still override the default actions even after performing Mange All Dependency or Mange Dependency. Once the overridden actions are saved the application performs the Manage All Dependency again to apply new actions which are been set at the package level.

Preparing a Package #

Overview #

To clear dependencies of an asset in the Oracle Eloqua platform a package needs to be created inside the Asset Dependency Manager app. These dependencies for the asset(s) are managed through specific actions that a user can choose to take on the dependency. Once the actions are defined, the package is processed to remove the dependencies.

Package Preparation Tasks #

  • Create a Package
  • Adding or Removing Assets in a Package

Related #

  • Managing Dependencies
  • Clearing Dependencies

Create a Package #

To create a package: #

  1. Click the New Package button from the home page of Asset Dependency Manager.
  1. Fill out the Package Name and Description and click the Save button.

Clicking on the “Save” button will complete this process.

If there is a requirement to update the Package Name or Package Description at this stage, clicking on Update button will enable that capability.

Defining Assets for Managing Dependencies #

There are multiple ways for users to be able to add an asset for deployment to a target Oracle Eloqua instance:

  1. Search for an asset. Add using ‘+’ or ‘Add All’ options.
  2. Browse through the list of folders to add the asset. Select the asset and add using ‘include selected’ option.
  3. Add an asset and it’s child assets through View Child. Use ‘Include selected’ or ‘Include all’ options to add the child assets. 

1. To search for an Oracle Eloqua asset: #

Click on the Asset Type drop down to choose the type of asset to lookup. Then choose to type the name of the asset, full or partial or modified date or modified by. Click on Search to get the list of assets.

The results will be filtered and shown in the grid directly below the search area. 

Clicking on ‘+’ infront of the asset will only add that particular asset into the package.

Clicking on ‘Add All’ will add the first 25 search results into the package.

NOTE: The application ONLY loads 5 assets at a time.  To load the next 5 assets, click the “Next” button that appears with the table view control at the bottom of the list.

2. Browse the folder to select the asset. #

Click on the folder icon and select the asset type. Click on search to get the folders for the selected asset type.

Once the folders are displayed, click on ‘+’ to expand the folder. Select the required asset inside the folder and click on ‘include selected’ to add the asset into the package.

Adding the child assets of an asset into the package. #

Click on ‘View Child’ for an asset that is included in the package. All the child assets are displayed.

‘Include selected’ will add only the selected asset whereas ‘Include All’ will add all the first level child assets into the package. Note that the Asset Dependency Manager app doesn’t support dependency management for all the assets. Refer to the link to view the list of Supported and Unsupported asset list.  

Note: Clicking on ‘+’ for any child asset will display it’s child assets. The tree structure can lead to the nth level child asset.

Once the assets are added into the package, the status of the assets will be New.

To save a Package: #

Click on the Save button once the assets have been added to the package.

NOTE: If the package is not saved, manage dependency process cannot be initiated.

The status of the assets will change to Saved on the package upon the user clicking Save button. 

Removing an Asset from Package #

Users can also remove an asset form the deployment package by clicking the Delete option available in the menu in the Action column.

Clearing Account Field Dependencies #

Create a New Package to Clear Account Field Dependencies

Defining Account Fields for Managing Dependencies

  1. To search for an Account Field – Select Account Field from Asset Type drop-down list, type the Asset Name to be searched from Eloqua.

  1. Add the Required Account fields to the package by clicking on + sign

  1. Once added to the package User should save the asset for Managing dependencies.

  1. Users can either click on Manage All Dependencies if the Default Actions are already set in Admin Page or else can do Mange Dependency to set the Action for each Dependencies and save.

On Manage Dependency a new Window Opens * with the actions to set, User can change the Default Actions set in the Admin page.

*Action Settings for Asset Dependencies after doing Manage Dependency.

  1. Once actions are set the user can select:
  • Clear Dependency: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and does not Delete Asset or Dependencies.
  • Clear Dependency and Delete: Removes the Dependencies from the Asset and will Delete the Asset from Eloqua
  • Manage and Clear: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and do not Delete Asset (Necessary to select this when there 1000+ Dependencies)
  • Manage and Delete: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and will Delete Asset from Eloqua (Necessary to select this when there 1000+ Dependencies)

On Select of Cruise Control Users can choose to Manage and Clear or Manage and Delete

Dependencies Cleared with Completed State

Clearing Custom Object & its Field Dependencies #

Create a New Package to Clear Custom Object & its Field Dependencies

Defining Custom Object Fields for Managing Dependencies

  1. To search for a Custom Object Field:
  2. Select Custom Object from Asset Type drop down list, type the Asset Name to be searched from Eloqua.
  1. To add Custom Objects Fields, click on + Sign which in-turn shows a popup with the list of Custom Object Fields select the field to be added to the package and click on Add To Package. The field gets added to the package.

This interface has been updated with two new buttons, and looks like this now:

The ‘Add all fields’ button now makes it easy to add all the fields at once. Without this button, we were to add each field one-by-one, and life seemed meaningless.

The ‘Add CDO’ button adds a CDO and all its fields with a single click.

  1. Once added to the package User should save the asset for Managing dependencies
  1. User can either click on Manage All Dependencies if the Default Actions are already set in Admin Page or else can-do Mange Dependency to set the Action for each Dependencies and save

On Manage Dependency a new Window Opens * with the actions to set, User can change the Default Actions set in the Admin page.

Action Settings for Asset Dependencies after doing Mange Dependency

  1. Once actions are set user can select
    • Clear Dependency: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and do not Delete Asset or Dependencies.
    • Clear Dependency and Delete: Removes the Dependencies from the Asset and will Delete the Asset from Eloqua
    • Manage and Clear: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and do not Delete Asset (Necessary to select this when there is 1000+ Dependencies)
    • Manage and Delete: Removes the Dependencies from Asset and will Delete Asset from Eloqua (Necessary to select this when there is 1000+ Dependencies)

On Select of Cruise Control Users can choose Manage and Clear or Manage and Delete

Dependencies Cleared with Completed State.

Create packages using file upload feature. #

File Upload #

Creating packages is the first step in using Asset Dependency Manager. We have now added File Upload as a new way to create packages. This feature allows us to upload a file (.csv) with all the asset details in bulk. We can upload details of up to 3,000 assets in a single file at a time. ADM uses this file to automatically create packages for us – it creates a maximum of 30 packages.

Each asset type has a limit, more on limits in a last section of this page.

Here’s how to use this feature:

Step 1 #

Click on “New Package from File” button.

Step 2 #

Download the sample .csv file from the link – and populate it with asset details.

  • The sample file (.csv) contains all the supported asset types and pre-defined headers.
  • Details of up to 3,000 assets can be added on the file.

Step 3 #

Click on the ‘Browse’ button to upload the populated file.

*Note: CSV files without predefined headers can fail to upload.

Step 4 #

Enter the package name and the package description

* Note: Package name is a mandatory field.

* Check ‘Include Archived Assets’ checkbox if one or more assets in the .csv are archived

ADM will create multiple packages with the given package name prefixed to each package.

Step 5 #

Click on the Upload button to upload the file

  • The file upload is in progress, and you can safely close the notification pop-up without losing progress.
  • Once the file is uploaded, ADM will notify us with an email.

Email Notifications #

Notification emails typically have three CSV files attached to them.

  • Package Details.csv –   list of packages created with Package IDs and Names.
  • Rejected Assets.csv – list of assets that weren’t added to any package and their reasons.
  • Skipped Assets.csv – list of assets that weren’t added due to limits (3,000 assets).

*Note: more on limits in the admin section.

Viewing All Packages #

Once the file is uploaded, the packages are listed on the ADM homepage.

Admin Settings #

  • Admins can set a limit on each asset type.
    • ADM will limit assets based on asset types for each package.
  • The maximum limit is set by default.
    • Admins can reduce these limits but cannot increase them.

NOTE : The upper limits are set based on empirical observations. Asset types like Account Field and Contact Filed can have thousands of dependencies – for this reason they are limited to a low number. On the other hand, campaigns have a few hundred dependencies, and we can include more of them in each package.

Clearing Field Merge Dependencies #

Create a New Package to Clear Field Merge Dependencies with ADM

Defining Field Merge for Managing Dependencies

  1. Search for a Field Merge: Select Field Merge from the Asset Type drop-down list; type the Asset Name that needs to be searched.

  1. Click on the + icon to add the asset to the package.

  1. Click on Save to save the package.

  1. Clicking on Manage All Dependencies will take the default asset action set in the Admin page.

Clicking on Manage Dependency will allow us to set the action for each dependency, one-by-one. Clicking on Manage Dependency opens a new window:

Once the action is set on the admin page for the dependency, we can select what happens to the asset:

  1. Clear Dependency: Detaches dependencies from the assets – but does not delete the asset.
  2. Clear Dependency & Delete: Detaches the dependencies from the asset and deletes the asset.
  3. Manage and Clear:  Similar to Clear Dependency, but can act in situations where the number of dependencies is more than 1,000 (used with Cruise Control)
  4. Manage and Delete:  Similar to Clear Dependency and Delete, but can act in situations where the number of dependencies is more than 1,000 (used with Cruise Control)

Mange and Clear & Mange and Delete options are available only with Cruise Control switched on.

Look for the Completed status on the top and the number of dependencies cleared.

Clearing Dynamic Content Dependencies #

Enhancements to the Dynamic Content Feature

Admin Configuration

Default asset actions can now be set to Remove or Replace for an asset and its dependencies in the Admin Page

Create a New Package to Clear Dynamic Content Dependencies

Asset Dependency Manager

Defining Dynamic Content for Managing Dependencies

  1. Search for Dynamic Content: Select Dynamic  Content from the Asset Type drop-down list; type the asset Name that needs to be searched

  1. Click on the + icon to add the asset to the package.

Click on Save to save the package. 

Clicking on Manage All Dependencies will take the default asset action set on the Admin page.

Clicking on Manage Dependency will allow us to set the action for each dependency, one by  one. Clicking on Manage Dependency opens a new window:

Once the action is set on the admin page for the dependency, we can select what happens to the asset:

  1. Clear Dependency: Detaches dependencies from the assets – but does not delete the asset.
  2. Clear Dependency & Delete: Detaches the dependencies from the asset and deletes the asset.
  3. Manage and Clear:  Similar to Clear Dependency, but used in situations where the number of dependencies is more than 1,000 (used with Cruise Control)
  4. Manage and Delete:  Similar to Clear Dependency and Delete, but used in situations where the number of dependencies is more than 1,000 (used with Cruise  Control)

Mange and Clear & Mange and Delete options are available only with Cruise Control switched on.

Look for the Completed status on the top and the number of dependencies cleared.