

The dashboards provide a quick summary of the various key metrics.

We can drill down on the campaign to see campaign level attributes:

Total Campaigns:
Number of campaigns sending email in the current week

Total Emails:
Number of unique Eloqua emails involved in the total sends

Total Accounts:
Number of accounts that will receive emails in the week
Total Contacts:
Number of contacts that will receive emails in the week

TG Accounts:
Number of accounts for which TG rules were violated.

TG Contacts:
Number of contacts for which TG rules were violated.
The graphs show a history of each of the metrics, and numbers on the top show the current numbers:

Total Contacts – Change over time. #

Touch Governance (TG) Contacts #

Total Campaigns #

Total Emails #

Accounts – Change over time. #

Touch Governance (TG) Accounts – Change over time. #